Thursday, February 10, 2005

I fuckin' hate it when ya walk past a person and ya get their fuckin' stank ass downwind aroma..

This happens pretty much any time ya go outside. I walked past this guy and knew he would be stank so I tried quickly to avoid walking within a 6 foot radius of his didn't fuckin' work!


take a shower!

then there are those who wear the 2-3 gallons of perfume or cologne!

they are just as bad.

we, as citizens should be able to arrests these people.

there should be stank ass holding cells underground in neighborhoods where these people have to suffer for maybe 15 minutes for first offenses!




LK said...

I actually don't know what is worse - smelly people or people who choose to be smelly. Either way my nose cringes when they both come into sensory range.

BarbaraMG said...

I am all for the Scent Free Workplace. I always get an instant headache when the people that go through a bottle of "Drakkar" or "Chantilly" a week come around. Freaking stuff should be illegal! OK I am over reacting but it IS gross.

Monkey said...

I'm SO with you!!! Throw their stank asses in the pen!

Great rant! :-)

Unknown said...

yes to all of you! power to the "non stinkies" - we should campaign and run for senate via blog!!

Anonymous said...

The construction worker guys at the taco truck who REEK of cheap cologne.... WTF?