The M*A*SH "DREAM" episode was just on. This is the one where everyone in the camp has obscure dream sequences after 3 days straight in the operating room without sleep. Hawkeye's dream was such a truly great segment in television history. (If you do not know the episode here is a synopsis of his dream:
Hawkeye dreams he fell asleep in a medical school class and missed what the professor was lecturing about, which was reattaching a limb.
He then is asked by the professor to remove his right arm. Charles (Emerson Winchester the Third), who is the only other person in the class removes Hawkeye's right arm with a twist and a pull.
Then the professor asks Hawkeye if he knows how to do the procedure again (in the background you see a soldier who needs his arm reattached) and a very distressed Hawkeye states that he was sleeping and cannot do the operation successfully.
The professor then asks Hawkeye for his left arm by saying "your left arm please."
Hawkeye twists and pulls on his own left arm and gives it to the professor. The professor then tosses the arm (visually you see a prosthetic arm) into a swampy lake that is full of other arms and legs of soldiers who supposedly needed their limb reattached.
Hawkeye is then seen floating in a canoe, armless and with no paddles, bumping into all of the arms and legs and dripping with sweat.
He then sees a young South Korean child that is wounded but he cannot stop the boat or help her because he has no arms.
He screams.
Then awakes and hears choppers coming with yet more wounded.
What an amazing piece of television :)
What is your favorite TV show of all time? Name 2 or 3 if ya like :)
I will probably blog alot more about Curb Your Enthusiasm once the new season launches! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!