Anyone have any quality suggestions? Or shitty suggestions are also allowed on this blog, feel free to go nuts!
Here is the article that spawned this post:
Motorola on Friday announced a joint venture with eyewear maker Oakley Inc. to develop new Bluetooth-enabled wearable wireless communications devices.
Motorola said it is working with Oakley to combine its Bluetooth technology, which allows devices to communicate with each other without a physical wire connection, with Oakley's eyewear concepts.
It said details and designs will be unveiled by the middle of the year.
I want a computer that does my dishes. I want it to load and unload and put the dishes back where they belong. All I have to do is put the dirty dishes on the counter and leave them there. (Much like my ex used to do!)
Maybe one of these for the lower portion of your home cleaning.
As for the dishes how about a maid service!
Or better yet, hire IRONA from RICHIE RICH:
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